Kindergarten Teacher Evaluation Kindergarten Teacher Evaluation Required form to be filled out for prospective elementary students. Date Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY Student's Name:*Applying to Grade:* Kindergarten (child must be 5 by August 31st Person completing this form*PositionEmail* PhoneSchool*In what grade(s) and course(s) have you taught the applicant?*What are the first few words that come to mind to describe the applicant?*Ability to stay on task* Consistently Usually Sometimes Rarely Ability to follow instructions Consistently Usually Sometimes Needs improvement How would you describe this student's ability to work independently?What do you think are this applicant's strengths?In what areas do you think the applicant might need some extra support?Please describe this student's study habits including how they stay on task.Please describe the applicant's social abilities when working or playing with peers.Thank you for completing this form. Please add any additional comments regarding this applicant.